Maryville Family Law Attorneys
Maryville family law attorneys advocate for families
For many people, family means a married couple with children and possibly even a pet. For some, family is just being with the people you love. Families grow on their own as new children (by birth, stepchildren, and adoption) join the family. Families become smaller as children leave the nest to lead their own lives. Some families fall apart when spouses divorce or parents separate. At LaFevor and Slaughter, our Maryville family law attorneys help newlyweds plan for their future together, advocate for spouses and children when marriages end, and fight for family members who need protection from abuse. We’re skilled at protecting your economic and personal future and securing what’s best for your children. We represent families across Blount County.
How can our Maryville family law attorneys help?
How can your Maryville family lawyers help?
At LaFevor & Slaughter, we represent newlyweds and spouses who have been married for decades. Our Maryville family lawyers represent spouses and parents with children and childless couples. We represent high-asset families and families with complex issues. Our lawyers are skilled at negotiating family law agreements. We help you fully understand your rights, prioritize your needs, know your options, and understand how the family law process works in Tennessee. We understand when your spouse and his/her lawyer might be amenable to resolving your family law matters amicably and when a judge needs to decide your rights.
We’ll help you identify and value every asset, every source of income, every debt, and every financial need – today and until your children are adults. We also assert your financial interest in your spouse’s future assets, such as pensions and other workplace benefits. Can you help with my Maryville divorce?
If you are seeking a divorce in Maryville, our lawyers can help you. We represent newlyweds and clients who have been married for decades. Our Maryville family lawyers represent clients with children and those without. We can work to resolve your divorce through negotiation as well as non-trial methods such as mediation and collaborative divorces. When cases cannot be resolved, we advocate for you in court before a family law judge. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you with:
- Divorce
- Alimony and Spousal Support
- Contempt Actions
- Legal Separation
- Prenuptial and Postnuptial Agreements
- Asset Division
- Domestic Violence
- Orders of Protection
Divorces in Tennessee are either classified as no-fault divorces or fault divorces. In no-fault divorces, you and your spouse agree that the marriage has irreconcilable differences. In the case of fault divorces, you need to prove that some grounds for divorce such as bigamy, adultery, or other grounds that apply.
These days, many divorces (but not all) are no-fault divorces.
What other types of family law matters do you handle?
Our Maryville family lawyers also represent clients in the following matters:
Children’s issues
- Grandparents’ rights
- Adoptions including foster parent and stepparent adoptions
- The rights and needs of stepchildren
- Third-party custody
- Juvenile matters
- Paternity
- Guardianships, conservatorships, and powers of attorney for childcare

Domestic violence
We help protect you and your family if your spouse, a co-parent, or anyone else is a danger (physically, sexually, or in other ways) to you, your children, or your property. We’ll advise you about domestic violence protection issues, including your right to seek restraining orders and orders of protection.
Military divorce and family law issues
We advocate for service members, the spouses of service members, and the children of service members. We’ll explain how your family law rights are the same and how they are different when a parent is serving our country.
Prenuptial agreements
Our Maryville family lawyers negotiate prenuptial (prenup) agreements. These agreements are entered into before or during marriage. Their purpose is to resolve how the marital property should be divided and how alimony should be handled in the event the marriage doesn’t work out. Prenups may be advisable if either spouse has significant assets, a business, or children from a prior relationship.
Help with child custody and child support in Maryville
In Tennessee, there are two types of custody. Legal custody determines which parent makes decisions about the child’s health, education, welfare, schooling, religion, and similar lifetime issues. Physical custody determines where your child stays every day of the year. The parent with physical custody provides a home for your child and cares for your child’s daily needs such as food, clothing, social activities, and discipline.
Both types of custody can be joint. There are many different types of physical custody arrangements depending on how close the parents live to each other, the desires of children 12 and older, the child’s schooling, and other factors. Our Maryville family lawyers are skilled at negotiating and litigating these arrangements. We’re also skilled at resolving common child custody terms, such as how the exchange of your child is handled and your right to communicate with your child when your child is living with his/her other parent.
The parent with less physical custodial time is required to pay the other parent child support to help raise the child. The amount of child support generally depends on the income of each parent and your child’s needs. Support orders are made part of a court order so they can be enforced. Support orders may include money for Maryville’s private and private schools if your child doesn’t attend the local public schools. If parents agree their son or daughter should attend Maryville College or another, support orders may include the cost of attending.
If circumstances change, can any of the Maryville family law orders be modified?
The needs of your children always come first. For this reason, child custody and child support orders can be modified if circumstances change – such as when one spouse/co-parent is fired or obtains a better job, needs to relocate, or remarries – or if your child has special needs. The change in circumstance must be substantial.
Alimony orders may also be subject to modification if the ability to earn a living of either spouse changes, the spouse receiving alimony remarries, or for other reasons.
Do you have a Maryville family lawyer near me?
At LaFevor & Slaughter, our Maryville family lawyers meet clients at our office located at 317 Ellis Ave., Suite 317. We do conduct video conferences when necessary and we do answer your questions promptly. We’ll explain your rights and the rights of your children. We’ll calmly and clearly guide you through each stage of your divorce and all other family law matters.
Speak with an experienced Maryville family lawyer today
We understand how traumatic family law disputes are. In the midst of starting a new personal life, you need to fight for your financial rights and those of your children. You need to protect your family. At LaFevor & Slaughter, we’re skilled at helping spouses and parents obtain the strongest resolutions to their family matters so the parent and the children can begin the next phase of their lives with the personal and financial strength they need. To schedule a consultation, please call our Maryville family lawyers or complete our contact form today. We’re ready to protect your future.
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