How to Be a Good Divorce Client

How to Be a Good Divorce ClientThe very nature of divorce is stressful for everyone involved. This enormous stress will cause clients to behave badly at times. Dealing with people in a constant state of anxiety creates an unbelievable amount of stress on family law attorneys, who may be subject to their own types of bad behavior. This combination can be a recipe for disaster.

Despite all this stress on both sides, there things that clients and attorneys can do to make the divorce process as smooth and painless (but probably not pain-free) as possible.

How to be a good divorce client

Lawyers typically look for certain qualities or characteristics in divorce clients to effectively represent them and navigate the legal process. Some of the things a lawyer may want in a divorce client include:

  • Open communication: A willingness to openly communicate with the lawyer about all aspects of the case, including personal details, concerns, and goals for the divorce process.
  • Responsiveness. To offer the best representation possible, lawyers expect divorce clients to return their calls, return their papers on time, and attend all meetings and hearings on time.
  • Honesty and transparency: Providing truthful and accurate information to the lawyer is essential for building a strong case and making informed decisions. Clients who are transparent about their circumstances and objectives help the lawyer develop effective strategies.
  • Compliance: A court order is an order, not a request. Court orders should be clear, specific, and detailed, and the parties must follow them, or face a judge’s wrath for engaging in prohibited behavior.
  • Realistic expectations: Understanding that divorce proceedings can be complex and may not always result in the outcome desired by the client. A lawyer wants a client who is realistic about the potential outcomes and willing to work toward achievable goals.
  • Cooperation and collaboration: Being cooperative and willing to collaborate with the lawyer throughout the process, including providing requested documents, attending meetings and court hearings, and following legal advice.
  • Patience and resilience: The divorce process can be emotionally challenging and requires patience and resilience to navigate setbacks and delays.
  • Financial responsibility: Being financially responsible and able to pay for legal fees and expenses associated with the divorce process. Lawyers appreciate clients who understand the costs involved and are prepared to meet their financial obligations.
  • Trust in the lawyer: Trusting the lawyer’s expertise, judgment, and advice is crucial for building a strong attorney-client relationship and achieving the best possible outcome in the case.

What clients look for in a Knoxville divorce attorney

It’s important to remember that the attorney/client relationship is a two-way street. Clients seeking a Knoxville divorce attorney typically look for several key qualities and attributes:

  • Experience: Clients want an attorney who specializes in family law and has extensive experience handling divorce cases. They prefer someone who understands the intricacies of divorce proceedings, including asset division, child custody, alimony, and other relevant issues.
  • Reputation and track record: A good reputation and a successful track record are important considerations. Clients often seek referrals or read reviews to ensure they are hiring an attorney with a history of achieving favorable outcomes for their clients.
  • Communication skills: Effective communication is crucial in any legal matter. Clients want a divorce attorney who listens to their concerns, explains legal processes in a clear and understandable manner, and keeps them informed throughout the case.
  • Empathy and compassion: Divorce is a highly emotional and stressful process, so clients appreciate an attorney who demonstrates empathy and compassion towards their situation. They want someone who understands their needs and can provide support during this difficult time.
  • Negotiation skills: Many divorce cases are settled out of court through negotiation or mediation. Clients look for an attorney who is skilled at negotiating favorable settlements while also advocating for their best interests.
  • Availability and responsiveness: Clients expect their attorney to be accessible and responsive to their inquiries and concerns. Prompt communication and regular updates on the progress of the case are essential for building trust and confidence.
  • Cost-effectiveness: While cost is not the only factor, clients want an attorney who provides value for their money. They seek transparency regarding legal fees and expect their attorney to work efficiently to minimize unnecessary expenses.
  • Compatibility and trust: Building a strong attorney-client relationship is important. Clients want to feel comfortable with their attorney and trust that they are acting in their best interests. Personal chemistry and compatibility can play a significant role in the client’s decision-making process.

A lawyer wants a divorce client who is committed to working together as a team, who respects the legal process, and who is willing to actively participate in achieving a resolution that meets their needs and interests. Clients want a divorce attorney who is knowledgeable, trustworthy, compassionate, and capable of achieving their desired outcome while guiding them through the legal process with professionalism and integrity.

At LaFevor & Slaughter in Knoxville, we only take a certain number of cases at any given time. We also don’t accept every case that walks through the door. We want to be sure that we have plenty of time to actually work on our clients’ cases and help our folks be prepared for each step in the process. We don’t fly by the seat of our pants with nothing but a legal pad and pen when we attend mediations or settlement conferences. We come in armed to the teeth with the facts and the law as it relates to your case.

We go out of our way to make sure you are kept up to date with what is going on with your case. We use the latest technology to send you regular case updates via email or text message. We make it super easy to get in touch with our office through email, apps, and Zoom. We have systems in place that allows you to schedule a time on your attorney’s calendar to speak with them about your concerns.

We are here for you. To schedule an appointment with an experienced and compassionate Knoxville family law attorney at LaFevor & Slaughter, call us or fill out our contact form today.