5 Common Reasons Couples Divorce

Everyone goes into a marriage with the best of intentions: ‘til death do us part, and happily ever after. Most couples know that a strong and stable marriage takes work. However, some couples give it their all and the marriage has simply run its course for one reason or another—and it’s time to think about…

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Efforts Underway to Limit Legal Immigration

According to a recent NBC News report, the Trump Administration is getting ready to make a proposal that would make it tougher for immigrants in the United States legally to become American citizens, or obtain their green cards. The ability of these legal immigrants to get citizenship could be affected if the applicant used one…

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How Social Media Can Affect Your Divorce

Most people in America use social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Snapchat, and others, for pleasure and business. These websites are a lot of fun when life is going well – but they came be used against you if you’re going through a divorce. Information and pictures that are posted on social…

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Giving DACA Students a Chance at College

When President Donald Trump was elected in 2016, he took a hard stance on immigration. The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program is on the verge on ending, currently facing a federal court battle over its future. Many young people are uncertain about their own futures, wondering if they’ll be able to continue their…

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Navigating the New School Year as a Divorced Parent

For kids, the summer always seems to go too fast. However, even though it’s still summertime, some of us already have back-to-school on our minds. If you went through or finalized a divorce over the summer, you may have some concerns or questions about your child returning to school this year. Even if you and…

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Missing Children at the U.S. Border and Breaking Up Immigrant Families: Clearing Up the Confusion

The latest patently hostile treatment of immigrants to the United States at the U.S.-Mexico border has erupted into a confusing mashup of two distinct issues regarding undocumented immigrants and unaccompanied children. We are going to untangle these two issues and try to bring some clarity to an emotionally-charged situation brewing at the border. The issue…

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It Was a Great Wedding… But Was it Legal?

The Universal Life Church (ULC), an online self-described non-denominational religious organization, has been in operation for more than 60 years. Members can become ordained, instantly and for free, online and become empowered to perform functions that traditional ministers can, like weddings or other ceremonies. There are many sites that offer online ordination, but the ULC…

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How Can I Get a Bank Account as an Undocumented Immigrant?

As an undocumented immigrant, you may think you’re unable to open a bank account for savings and checking. However, this is untrue and, if you can, you should consider keeping your money in the bank. Using a local financial institution has many advantages that can help you with your life in Tennessee and the United…

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