Divorce, Dissolution, Separation or Annulment: Which is Best for You?

If you’re like most folks who are considering the end of their marriage, you’re probably getting a lot of advice (wanted or not) from friends and family, and checking out a lot of blogs and stories online. This means you’ve probably seen the phrases “dissolution,” “annulment” and “separation” used interchangeably with the word “divorce.” We…

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Factors in Tennessee Child Custody Decisions

In all Tennessee child custody cases, the court encourages parents to work out a custody plan that is in the best interests of the child (children). If an agreement cannot be reached, the court will decide what solution works best. Tennessee has two types of custody. Legal custody addresses which parent will make the health…

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Understanding Tennessee’s Custody Relocation Statute

Tennessee has a law that details what the moving parent must do if he/she wishes to move and take minor children with him/her—to another state or to a new location that is more than 50 miles away from the home of either parent. The parent who is moving must notify the non-moving parent of their…

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An Explanation of Immigration Bonds for Detainees in Tennessee

In certain circumstances, individuals detained or arrested by the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency can be released before their court hearing. To do so, someone must obtain an immigration bond on the detainee’s behalf. ICE can release a foreign national based on his/her own recognizance. Otherwise, the immigration judge or ICE will set…

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How to Prepare for an ICE Raid

The current administration recently promised to hire 15,000 more Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers, who will be tasked with making sure that employers comply with immigration laws in hiring employees. With approximately 11 million undocumented people living in the United States, immigrants of any status must be aware of the increasing chance of an…

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“Superior” Parental Rights in Child Custody in Tennessee

There are times in a parent’s life when they may not be able to care for their children. They might be dealing with substance abuse or mental health issues which cause them to be incapable of caring for their child temporarily until they get these issues sorted out. For whatever reason a parent must temporarily…

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Churches as Sanctuary for Undocumented Immigrants in the Age of Trump

The number of churches willing to provide sanctuary to undocumented immigrants in the United States has been steadily increasing ever since President Trump signed an executive order which strengthening the authority of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). On January 28, 2017, President Trump made good on his campaign promise to take a tough…

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