Is There a “Worst” Time to Get Divorced?

Getting a divorce is expensive, it is (somewhat) public, and it can completely upend your life while it is going on. If you are the one contemplating divorce, you likely understand that timing is important. Depending on how long your marriage has lasted, your life and your spouse’s life are completely intertwined. The process of…

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ICE Home Raids Are Serious – and Sometimes Illegal

You may have heard stories of how Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents sometimes raid private homes in warrantless raids in an effort to aggressively enforce immigration policies. The stories have folks pretty frightened – and rightfully so. But we know that the key to overcoming fears is looking at the facts, and knowing your…

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Grandparents Raising Their Grandchildren in Tennessee

The kinship bond between grandparent and grandchild can play an essential part in the life of a family. When birth parents are unable, for whatever reason, to manage the care and upkeep of their children, a grandparent is often the perfect solution. According to the Council on Aging, one in 20 children in Tennessee is…

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Tips for Getting Prepared and Organized for a Divorce

Most folks are unprepared for just how emotional the divorce process is, whether they are the one who initiated the divorce, or the one upon whom the news was sprung. Dividing a couple and a family is a challenging process, so it might be helpful to some people to look at divorce as what it…

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The United States Supreme Court will hear President Obama’s Executive Action Case on Immigration

In November 2014, President Obama announced executive actions on immigration, which were quickly blocked by a lawsuit that was filed by the state of Texas along with 25 other states (including Tennessee). These executive actions intended to allow millions of undocumented immigrants to become eligible to apply for work authorization programs. There are about 4.3…

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Prenuptial Agreements for Second Marriages and Older Couples

While the rumor that 50 percent of marriages end in divorce has never really been accurate, the divorce rate is still incredibly high – especially among older adults. If you take a step back and take a realistic view of marriage, what you will see is both a romantic relationship based on love and attraction…

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How to Avoid the Top 7 Common Divorce Mistakes

Going through a divorce will change almost every aspect of your life. If this is your first divorce, chances are you are going to make some mistakes. It is an emotionally charged undertaking and when emotions are involved, some folks’ decisions are not always the best ones. In an effort to help you avoid some…

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Department of Homeland Security Proposes Amendments to Regulations that Help Employment-Based Immigrants and U.S. Employers

On December 31, 2015, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) issued a request for public comments on a proposed rule change to Department of Homeland Security (DHS) regulations related to some of its employment-based immigrant and nonimmigrant visa programs. The intention is to better enable employers in the United States to hire and retain…

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What is My Attorney’s Role in the Divorce Mediation Process?

If you have come to the point where you are sure that it is time to end your marriage, you are likely exploring the various divorce options available to you. In Tennessee, judges will usually require folks to attend at least one mediation session. (They make exceptions in cases involving domestic violence, as a general…

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How to Locate Your Ex Who Owes Child Support

All over Tennessee there are folks who are raising children on their own, who ought to be receiving child support from their former spouse or partner. Both parents have an obligation to support their child financially. If one parent is not paying child support, that leaves the remaining parent shouldering all of the responsibility to…

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