Along with Same-Sex Marriage Comes the Freedom to Divorce

When the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Obergefell v. Hodges that any laws prohibiting same-sex marriage were unconstitutional, same-sex couples became free to marry in every state including Tennessee, where before this ruling the state had enacted a State Constitution based ban. Along with marriage equality and the ability for same-sex couples to marry, came…

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Child Custody Considerations in Military Divorce

Deciding whom your child will live with the majority, if not all, of the time is always a challenging one in divorce. The Tennessee courts decide child custody on the basis of whatever is in the best interests of the child. The court looks to create the kind of arrangements that will serve the child’s…

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5 Tips for Revising Your Estate Plan after Divorce

You made it! You survived your divorce and now it is time to get on with the business of living your life, but there are just a few more details that you do not want to overlook. Depending on how long you were married to your former spouse, their name is most likely all over…

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How is Property Division in Divorce Decided in Tennessee?

When a couple in Tennessee decides to get a divorce they can either sit down and work out a mutually agreeable plan for how they will divide their marital property between them, or if they can’t come to an agreement, the court will make a ruling for them. Tennessee takes the equitable division approach to…

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Dividing a Military Pension in a Divorce

One of the more complex – and often contentious – aspects of a divorce comes with the division of property. Because Tennessee is an equitable distribution state, all marital property is divided in a way that the court deems fair or just. What that does not guarantee, however, is an equal division of that property.…

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Top 7 Questions about Divorce in Tennessee

Going through a divorce is almost always an emotionally challenging time. Your entire world has been up-ended and you most likely lay awake with endless questions swirling around in your head. Being informed about the process and having a basic idea about what is going to happen can help put your mind at ease. Sitting…

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Calculating Child Support in Tennessee

Whether a couple was once married and now divorced, or two unmarried people have a child together, both parents are responsible for the physical, emotional and financial well-being of their child. When a married couple divorces and one parent is given primary physical custody of the child and the other parent gets co-parenting time with…

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Can I Expect to Get Permanent Alimony in TN?

There was a time when a couple divorced and the wife had been a homemaker who raised the children and didn’t work outside of the home. After a long-term marriage the wife might reasonably expect to get permanent alimony payments from her former spouse. That almost sounds like a fairy tale when compared with the…

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Certain Spouses of H-1B Visa Holders in H-4 Status May Apply Now for Employment Authorization

In February, the USCIS under the Department of Homeland Security announced that certain H-4 dependent spouses of H-1B non-immigrants can now apply for employment authorization as long as the holder of the H-1B nonimmigrant has begun the process of seeking employment-based, legal permanent resident status. Spouses of H-1B visa holders in the following categories may…

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