Coping with the Reintegration of a Deployed Spouse

Military couples have unique challenges that some, unfortunately, are not prepared for. Part of the nobility of those who serve our country is their capacity to sacrifice all aspects of their lives — sometimes, this includes relationships. Deployment can take one’s spouse away for several months at a time, and both parties not only have…

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What Is the Best Way to Split Custody?

Divorce stinks. Even if your spouse stinks more, there’s just no way around it — divorce can really just stink. For some, it can be a long, complicated process laden with drama and emotions, and it can be even harder when there are dependent children involved. Obviously, you want the transition into divorced life to…

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How Can I Get More Alimony?

One of the hardest parts about a divorce is how it costs you half of the income you’ve become accustomed to. There’s just no way around it. Marriage is the joining of two lives, and all the perks each of those lives carry with them, and divorce is the opposite. However, if you make much…

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Keeping What’s Yours in the Divorce

There is nothing greedy or otherwise wrong with wanting to protect your own money and property, even when you’re protecting it from your ex. After all, when separating your life from someone else’s, there’s already a guaranteed amount of loss; people aren’t usually keen to make that worse. While you can’t hide or lie about…

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Understanding Equitable Distribution in Divorce

Listen, it’s not vain to admit it: you’re worried about losing your stuff in the divorce. More specifically, you’re worried about losing your money. And why shouldn’t you be? It’s yours, that you earned, that’s in your name. Except, as you might be finding out during the course of your legal proceedings, it’s not only…

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How Gambling Addiction Affects Divorce

When a relationship goes sour, it’s never a good time. No one enjoys growing distant from someone they once loved, and no one enjoys making the decision to end a marriage. So, of course, divorces are known to be stressful, emotionally taxing, and usually unpleasant – no matter the reason for the separation. A common…

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What Divorce Means for Your Debts

There is a reason why finances play a prominent role in marriage. After all, finances are a main reason why many marriages fall apart and lead to divorce. Unfortunately, they can play a prominent role in the divorce process as well. Everyone is familiar with the split of assets in the divorce process, but what…

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When Your Spouse Won’t Finalize the Divorce

Making the decision to divorce is already difficult for many couples. Even in the best-case scenarios, the divorce process can hurt. After all, you probably thought this was it, right? You’d found each other in this wild, wacky world, and you’d be okay for the rest of your lives. But it didn’t work out, and…

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Advice When You’re Divorcing and Retiring at the Same Time

There’s a new trend in divorce – older spouses are divorcing more often. Some couples divorce shortly after marriage because they realized they just weren’t meant for each other. Others divorce when they reach middle age for various reasons, like their children have left home or they have different interests. Lately, however, experts  note spouses…

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Immigration Visa Waiver Considerations – Waiver of Ineligibility

We understand the challenges of the past few years in obtaining any type of immigration visa, especially for applicants currently considered ineligible. There is hope, however. You or your loved one may be eligible for a waiver. The Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) determines what type of visa an immigrant can obtain to visit, work,…

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