Immigration Visa Waiver Considerations – Waiver of Ineligibility

We understand the challenges of the past few years in obtaining any type of immigration visa, especially for applicants currently considered ineligible. There is hope, however. You or your loved one may be eligible for a waiver. The Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) determines what type of visa an immigrant can obtain to visit, work,…

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New Bill in Tennessee Expands the Definition of Severe Child Abuse

At the beginning of the summer, the Tennessee legislature introduced a new bill that could potentially impact child custody cases moving forward. The new bill, titled SB-1530, expands on the definition of severe child abuse. According to the new bill, individuals can be penalized for severe child abuse if the child is knowingly or negligently…

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Does Divorce Have to Be So Expensive?

It likely comes as no surprise that divorce can be expensive. Even the simplest of divorces will cost some money, just for paperwork and court fees. Of course, one can argue that divorce shouldn’t be easy – marriage is an important contract between two people and shouldn’t be entered into lightly; therefore it shouldn’t be…

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Keep Your Marriage Strong by Showing Gratitude Every Now and Then

One of the challenges of a long-term relationship or marriage is recognizing whether you’re taking your partner for granted. A recent article in The Atlantic discusses the issue of “habituation,” which is the technical term for the diminished response to a person’s actions over time, and how it can contribute to problems within a marriage.…

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Why You Should Refrain from Using Social Media During a Divorce

Social media is a popular form of communication and almost everyone has a page on one platform or another. It is all rainbows and butterflies when the marriage is going well and you are posting all of your adventures on social media. When the marriage goes sour and a divorce is imminent, social media may…

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How to Modify Child Custody Orders in Knoxville

Divorce can be exceptionally difficult when children are involved. Getting through the divorce process itself is an emotional roller coaster, but it gets harder when you have kids. There are several things that will need to be addressed during the divorce process, including child support, a visitation schedule, and custody arrangements. The initial agreements can…

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Avoiding as Much Financial Loss as Possible in Divorce

The end of a marriage is a bittersweet event, even if the decision was made amicably. Aside from the emotional toll that comes from separating your life from another’s, there’s usually some sort of financial hardship as well. Divorce means losing half your income — and sometimes, half your savings, too. While there’s no clear-cut…

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’Til Debt Do Us Part

When you and the one you love make the decision to get married, the last thing you want to think about is how you’ll handle the divorce. You’ve heard all the scary statistics and certainly seen your fair share of divorced couples, both in real life and in the media, but right now all that…

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How do You Show That You Deserve More Parenting Time?

Being told by the court that you can only see your child so many hours per month is upsetting for many parents. Whether you are the mother or the father, you can take steps to secure more parenting time with your children. The most important thing to remember is that you should always be polite…

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