How do You Show That You Deserve More Parenting Time?

Being told by the court that you can only see your child so many hours per month is upsetting for many parents. Whether you are the mother or the father, you can take steps to secure more parenting time with your children. The most important thing to remember is that you should always be polite…

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The Horror of Legal Medical Kidnapping

Medical kidnapping is a real issue that plagues families across the country. The police knock on your door and remove your child from your care because a doctor, hospital, or other medical professional reported you to Child Protective Services. Can the police actually take your child for failing to provide recommended medical care? The short…

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What You Should Know About the Divorce Process

When you know something is wrong in your marriage that can’t be repaired and the time has come to deal with it head on, you realize all of those courtroom drama tv shows that depict a quick process have left a lot of the details out. Knowing what you’re embarking on is important to your…

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Losing Custody of a Child: What to Know about the Risks

Facing a courtroom battle over who gets your children is a nerve-wracking experience on its own but when that possibility actually comes to fruition, it’s very common to go through a something akin to a mourning period. Judges don’t look forward to removing children from care under one parent’s roof and placing them elsewhere, especially…

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More Divorce Mistakes You Don’t Want to Make

There are so many moving parts to consider when ending your marriage that it can be hard not to slip up and fall into behavior that can be self-sabotaging. Even accidentally causing harm to your children or your case can be accomplished with relative ease if you fail to avoid certain traps. Previously we provided…

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How to Manage Coparenting Young Children

When you share kids but don’t live together, creating a parenting plan can be a difficult task, especially when those kids are young, or you have longer holiday vacations to divvy up. Because older children more easily understand what’s happening, even if they don’t enjoy the situation, you at least avoid trying to explain a…

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Custody and Convictions: How a Criminal Record Can Affect Custody

Divorce is almost never easy, no matter how much we wish it were. It can be even trickier when the separation is less-than-amicable, especially when your children are involved. Now you have divorce AND custody to worry about, never mind all the emotional work of parenting through this difficult time. What if your soon-to-be ex…

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My Spouse is Acting Crazy Over the Divorce. What Do I Do?

You did what you had to do. You tried everything, you waited, you talked it out, but in the end, divorce was the only option for you. It stinks, but sometimes that’s the way the cookie crumbles. At the end of the day, you need to look out for yourself and your family, but, as…

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When Is It Okay to Start Dating Again After My Divorce?

After that final divorce decree is signed and filed, both parties have the closure they need to move on with their lives. Some people want to start dating right away, some don’t want to date at all, and some aren’t sure when the time is right. All of these are valid choices, but if you…

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Everything You Need to Know About Military Divorce in TN

We know divorce stinks. It’s not a happy process, and on top of that, it’s complicated. It affects just about every aspect of our lives, from our relationships with our kids to our finances. And, if you serve in the United States military, the process gets even more difficult. Military divorces go by different rules,…

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