I Lost My Job. How Am I Supposed to Pay Child Support Now?

Things aren’t easy these days. And when you put your original divorce agreement in place, you probably had steady employment. Things were better, and you felt relatively comfortable providing your co-parent with the money your kids need to live and thrive. Then, a few years later, you lose your job – cutbacks, layoffs, it’s happening…

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How Can I Protect My Inheritance in My Divorce?

During a divorce, many clients come to us with concerns about inheritances and gifts they’ve received over the course of their marriage. Will they keep it? Will their spouse be able to claim those assets during the divorce? Will the inheritance be divided? Today we’ll talk about how inheritances are handled when a couple splits…

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Divorce Over 50 – Let’s Talk About “Gray Divorce”

The term “gray divorce” is a phrase that’s recently come into vogue to describe divorcing couples aged 50 and older. These couples have typically been married a long time, are usually retired or on their way, and tend to be affluent empty-nesters with some significant assets. With the Baby Boomer population living longer, and Generation…

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My Ex Wants to Move Away With My Kid; Can He/She Do That?

It’s frustrating. We know. You work hard to work out a resolution of your divorce issues, including who will have the marital home so the children have a place to live. You spend a lot of time and love crafting a parenting plan that will provide the best future for your children. And then your…

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How to Ask for a Prenuptial Agreement

So, you’ve decided to tie the knot and get married. Congratulations! You’ve reviewed your financial situation and the probabilities on marriages lasting and you’ve concluded that a prenuptial agreement might be a good idea. You then review your rights and options with an experienced law. All well and good so far. You now have to…

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How Much Do the Kids Need to Know About Your Divorce?

When marriages go south, parents are often so focused on their anger at their spouse and their personal frustrations that it can be easy to forget how hard a divorce can be on children. Parents who are focusing on their internal problems can fail to realize that kids are often fully aware that something in…

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Can I Do Anything If I Think My Ex Is Wasting Child Support?

Generally, once a child support order is entered in Tennessee, the parent who receives support on behalf a child does not have to account for how they spend the money. As much as you may think your kids look they’re dressed from another century but your ex looks like something out of Vogue, your ex-spouse…

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What to Expect When Divorcing a Narcissist

Divorce is hard enough under normal circumstances that come with ending a marriage. The anger, hurt, guilt, and sometimes sense of betrayal is enough to send anyone into an emotional tailspin. It’s often a time when rationality flies out the window only to return once you see the glimmer of the light at the end…

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