Reasons a Child Support Order May Be Extended Beyond Age 18

The general rule in Tennessee is that the duty to support your child ends when your child turns 18 years old. Once they reach 18, they’re on their own. The amount of the support order is initially determined by the state guidelines. The guidelines establish the presumption for how much money the parent required to…

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Should We Get Divorced, or Legally Separated?

Marriage is tough and every couple has different hurdles to overcome. Some may be known going into the marriage while others unexpectedly surface over time. Some couples are able to work through and move past them while others debate whether a divorce may be the only way to go. Is it really that cut and…

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Helping Families Grow through Adoption

Of all the acts of love, almost nothing is better than adoption. A family becomes whole through adoption, and it is AWESOME. It can also be a little overwhelming, because there are a lot of hoops to jump through before your family can grow. If you’re thinking about adopting, and you’re a little nervous about…

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Parenting Plan Making You Anxious? Time to Get Creative

Sometimes the divorce process can get the better of parents. It’s easy to lose focus, especially when you think your ex is a schmuck. It’s also easy to fall into a bit of a shame spiral, where you get yourself all twisted up thinking you’re failing your kids, and the next thing you know, there’s…

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Homeschooling for the First Time? Resources and Help for Parents

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted our way of life in its entirety. The way we grocery shop has changed. Restaurants are closed for in-person dining. Schools are closed for in-person instruction through the end of the year in Knox County, which is May 21. This means that parents continue to serve as home instructors, teaching…

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Overcoming the Problem of Decision Fatigue in Divorce Proceedings

Scientific observations have determined that the more choices a person is compelled to make, the more inconsistent and sloppier their decision-making process becomes. This phenomenon is referred to as decision fatigue and it can become a very difficult problem or individuals facing high stress situations that require many decisions in a compressed period of time.…

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What You Should Know about the New Denaturalization Policy

The Justice Department last month created a new section to enforce President’s policy agenda. The Departments Civil Division will now include a Denaturalization Section specifically set up to remove American citizenship from certain designated individuals – specifically, war criminals, terrorists, sex offenders, and other fraudsters. However, this move by the department indicates that they are…

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Common Myths about Child Support in Tennessee

Many of the issues involving child support are fairly well established. Courts will generally focus on the income and assets of the parents much more than their individual expenses. The needs of the child for a quality home, food on the table, and clothes on their back come first. Parents bring their children into the…

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Grandparents’ Rights to Adopt Grandchildren in Tennessee

There’s nothing like the bond of joy between a grandparent and a granddaughter or grandson. Grandparents add to the connections a child has with his/her roots and past.  In an ideal world, grandparents are a wonderful complement to the life children have with their parents. Unfortunately, there are situations where it is necessary for grandparents…

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