Stephen D.
"I just want to thank you…I finally got an attorney who cared about my well being."
Stephen D.
Betty R.
"I don’t know what I would have done without your guidance. I really appreciate your efforts and the time you spend with me making my problem go easier. You gave me wonderful advice and support. Without your help, this court matter would have been more stressful and more expensive. Thanks again for all your help."
Betty R.
Elizabeth S.
"Patrick Slaughter is an amazing attorney. I cannot sing his praises enough. He is accessible and compassionate to his clients but a force to be reckoned with in the courtroom. I believe I described him best when we parted company after our first meeting and I could not help but tell him that he was a bucket full of wonderful. Mr. Slaughter is the first and only name on my list if my loved ones need an attorney."
Elizabeth S.
Darrell T.
"Thanks for doing a great job. Your knowledge of the law is superb and I appreciate your wisdom in knowing how best to implement the laws in our judicial system in order to achieve the best outcome for everyone."
Darrell T.
Lori S.
"I am unable to come up with enough adjectives to describe what a great job you did."
Lori S.
"I told Mr. Slaughter I feel it is in my best interest to have 1 group represent me, and I truly feel that your office will have my best interest at heart. This is my first time ever needing legal representation, and I must confess the thought of having to require such legal assistance has always been a scary thing to me. But, Mr. Slaughter has talked to me as I would talk to one of my clients at work, and it as alleviated that scare factor to me. Although I am very anxious to put the need for representation behind me; I am confident that your team will not only assist me in putting this behind me, but should I ever need legal help again I know where to start my search."